Drone Use for Preliminary Design

EMH&T is able to evaluate preliminary earthwork on sites, quickly, using drone technology. We can then generate reports, exhibits and high resolution renderings based on the 3D model design.

Drone survey

A 3D point cloud and a high resolution 2D ortho image, obtained from the drone, can be utilized in a 3D design model to evaluate grading.

site layout

Preliminary site layout concepts are compared to the existing ground and refined to accommodate existing features.

Exisitng ground surface

The 3D point cloud obtained from the drone survey can be directly converted to a ground surface and used as the basis for proposed grading.

preliminary grading 

Utilizing a preliminary concept, the site can be graded quickly, in 3D, to provide drainage and proper tie-ins.

earthwork evaluation

Evaluating earthwork balance can be done quickly to allow for more refinements in less time, providing optimal site grading.

3D Designs for Rendering

As is true with all 3D design models that EMH&T creates, drone based models can be transformed into highly accurate renderings that account for actual grading and can be updated as the design evolves over time.